Is there ever a “perfect” time?

I’d love to get started…
I’m just waiting for the perfect time.

By Krista Scott-Dixon
Precision Nutrition Blog

Many of us wait for the “perfect time” with our health, nutrition, and fitness. But this all-or-nothing thinking — as in, “If I don’t do this perfectly then it’s awful!” — rarely gets us “all”. It usually gets us “nothing”.

Are you waiting for the “perfect time” to get started on new projects? To learn a new skill? To eat better? To exercise more?

If so, some of these phrases may be familiar to you:

When I get a different job.

When things are less busy. 

When I find a workout partner.

When I find the right equipment.

When I feel less awkward in the gym.

When I lose 20 lbs.

When I get the right workout routine.

When my fridge is full of the right foods.

Tomorrow. Next week. Never.

Human beings are always “waiting for the perfect time”. But why?

For many, it’s a great distraction and justification. It helps us avoid the real—and risky—work of doing.

For others, perfectionism and avoidance serve as strong armor against potential embarrassment, criticism, and failure.

I could ___ but ___” keeps us safe from pain.

Unfortunately, it’s also what keeps us from growing, thriving, and being who we know we have the potential to be.

That’s why all-or-nothing thinking—If I don’t do this perfectly then it’s worthless—rarely gets us “all”.

It usually gets us “nothing”.

In the end, if you’re constantly saddled with “waiting for the perfect time”, these tips might help:

  • Revise your expectations. Recognize that there is no perfect time and there never will be.
  • Carve out time, even if it’s imperfect. Nobody will give that time to you. You’ll need to take it.
  • Just start. Find the smallest possible thing you can do right now, in the next 5 minutes, and do it. Now you’ve started!
  • Do something, anything. Action is a “vote” in favor of a different, healthier, fitter life. Vote early, vote often.
  • You only have to get through this moment. This moment of starting will be the hardest. Luckily, it won’t last long.
  • Expect resistance. It’s normal. Push through it. Resistance doesn’t mean this won’t work. It just means you’ve started.
  • Get support. Whether it’s a friend or family member, workout buddy, or a coach, find someone to fire up your booster rockets until you can fly on your own.

Want some help getting started?

For most people, getting started is the hardest thing. Figuring out what to do first. Overcoming inertia. Taking that first step into the unknown.

We know that all too well. In fact, through our Nutrition Coaching, we can help you move from “all or nothing” to“always something”.

If you’re looking for that kind of help and guidance too, let us know. We’d be happy to work with you.

In fact, our next coaching group begins soon. If you’re interested, be sure to put your name on the free presale list by emailing:

[email protected]