Meet our Members!

Have you ever wondered, “What kind of people go to a CrossFit Gym”?  Well, now you know!  Meet one of our amazing members, Corinne.

Corinne d’Aujourd’hui



Betriebsassistentin im Restaurant Park am Rheinfall (Diplomierte Hotelfachfrau)

 When did you first start training at CFS?
First training at the CFS was 24th of February 2016

Tell us about your sports & fitness background:
I always loved sport (I still do) and I always did and still do a lot of sport. When I was at the primary school I went horse riding and I took Karate lessons. When I stopped karate I started climbing, maybe about 10 year ago. Then I also started going to the gym, running and working out with freeletics.

 How did you first get exposed to CrossFit?
I was looking for some new challenges and I saw on Facebook about the CrossFit Schaffhausen.  I was looking for other sport activities than working out with machines (gym).

 What was your first workout and how did it go? How did you feel after?
AMRAP 10 mins: Air squats, Abmat Sit-ups and Burpee(hand release) for 8 Rounds.  I was exhausted as I wanted to be.  It was so much fun!

 Favourite Workout:
At the moment I don’t have a favourite workout. All workouts are different and each workout has his challenge.

 Least Favourite Workout:
I can’t say which one.

 What sort of changes have you seen in your body, health and fitness since starting at [gym acronym] (before/after)?
I think I have more control on my body, and more strength. (Example: push up hand release, whole body strength).  I have more technique (example: Push up, I try to swing..;-)).  I know new exercises.

 What sort of unexpected changes in your life have you experienced out of taking on something like this?
I am happier and it feels really good.  You and your team are lovely and all members as well. It is nice to work out with all of you. It is not that monotone as in the gym and I have more motivation.

 Please share with us any favourite CrossFit / CFS moments:
I don’t have a favourite moment yet. But the moment when I notice I am half way done, the workout feels good 😉


Any advice for people just getting started or new to CrossFit?
Just enjoy the work out and the team. 


Our gym is full of amazing people just like Corinnne.  If you would like to find out what it takes to be a member of our community, just
CLICK HERE and sign up for a free trial class.