We now offer ROMWOD, FREE, to our members!

Great news for all members at CrossFit Schaffhausen.  We have teamed up with ROMWOD to provide a resource for everyone at the box to get the most out of their mobility.

During a regular one hour class, we try to provide a few mobility movements based on the strength and workout for that day.  However, this is the MINIMUM amount of mobility that you should be working on!  If you want to see even greater improvements in your performance while reducing the likelihood of injury, you need to be doing a little more.

That’s where ROMWOD comes in.  This program is designed like CrossFit, with a different “workout” every day.  But in this case, instead of a workout, it’s a focused mobility session.  Here’s how it works:

  • Before or after your class, ask your Coach for the gym iPad (yay, new toy!!)
  • They will log you into the ROMWOD site
  • Grab some friends, take the iPad to a quiet corner, and get busy
  • You can choose to follow the mobility of the day, or customize your routine based on length of time, and focus area
  • Hit play, and follow along.  It’s just like having your own personal mobility coach!

As I said, this is being provided FREE OF CHARGE to all members of CFS.  If you would like to have access to ROMWOD on your own personal device, just click the link and set up your own account.  This will allow you to do the sessions anywhere, any time.


ROMWOD - Optimize Your Range of Motion